
1st WEEK

Reading: This week I read the introduction of the book titled "The Botany of Desire". In this book, I learned different point of view about the species reproduction. I review concepts about pollination and parts of a flower.

Writing: In the beginning of the week, I did a detailed description about three pictures. I also wrote draft # 1 of two essays named: "Three of the important fauna in Venezuela" and "Mutually Beneficial Relationship".
Vocabulary: I learned 6 new words: pollination, reciprocal, domesticate, Horticultural, Boost and Mood. 
Listening: We had listening practices in class with the audio CD about Study Habits.
Speaking: I practice speaking with my classmates.
Grammar: We review part of a sentence. Subject - Object.

College Knowledge: I learned about the College schedule and the weather.

Goals: My goal this week is to memorize grammar rules.

2nd WEEK

Reading: This week, I started to read Chapter #1 of the Botany of Desire book. I learned about John Chapman also called Johnny Appleseed. He is a folk hero in the American History because he planted a lot of Apple trees in Pennsylvania, Ohio and Indiana. I also learn about Hard Cider. It came from apples. Finally, I refresh my memory about Charles Darwin. The man how wrote about "Origen of the Species."

Writing: I wrote the corrections of "Flora of Venezuela" draf #2. I also wrote corrections of "Mutually Beneficial Relationship" draf #2. Finally, In class we made writing activities with "The narrative essay: How do you say...?".

Vocabulary: Species, chores, duty, silverware, hook.

Listening: In class, the professor gave us dictation activities. I also wach a video of Johnny Appleseed (Disney Version) and I always practice listening when the professor talks.

Speaking: During this week, I spoke in English language with my classmates.

Grammar: We review grammar rules on simple present, simple past, simple future, present progressive, past progressive, future progressive, present perfect and past perfect. We also made flash cards of this rules to study in any place.

Goals for the next week: To continue recitation practices, memorize grammar rules and review my notes about grammar.

3rd WEEK

Reading: I continue to read simple Chapter #1 of the book "The Botany of Desire"
Writing:  I submit the final draf of the Mutyally Beneficial Relationship, Miscommunication and Flora of my Country.
Vocabulary: Nomadic, sedentary, frontier, row, Settler and Native America.
Listening: All the time when the professor speaks.
Speaking: I spoke with my classmates during class hours.
Grammar: We practice Verb tense: simple present and past, present and past progressive, non-action verbs, etc.
Goals for the next week: Recitation.

4th WEEK

Reading: We finished reading Chapter #1 of the book "The Botany of Desire"
Writing: I submit Draf # 1 and 2 of "Clip Essay". 
Vocabulary: Still, yet,anti-smoking, behavior, couch potato.
Listening: Practice about Nu Shu (Chinesse writing for women)
Speaking: We practice speaking in a conversation game of five people. Useful language
Grammar: We review transition words,
Goals: To Practice learning strategies. 30 min. Daily review of my class notes. Rewrite in a new notebook.

5th WEEK

Reading: Intro to chapter II of the book "The Botany of Desire", Tulips lectures.
Writing: submit "Clip Program" Essay, peer review of Clip Essay.
Vocabulary: Digression, lecturers, amid, excerpt.
Listening: Understanding lecture design: Introduction, Conclusion and Disgression.
Speaking: I spoke with my classmates during class hours.
Grammar: Simple present, simple past, present progressive.
Goals: To Practice learning strategies. 30 min. Daily review of my class notes. Rewrite in a new notebook.


Reading: We made facts and vocabulary for Intro, Part One, Part Two of the book: The Botany of Desire"
Vocabulary: I made vocabulary for Intro, Part One and Part Two.
Listening: Taking notes techniques with Nu Shu lecture.
Speaking: Practice with classmates.
Writing: I wrote about Clip College Hour and about Essay # 5 Draf #1.
Grammar: Modals, Adverb of frequency and possibility
Goals: The second half of the semester I will be focused to write a essay in one hour.


------ SPRING BREAK ----------


Reading: Reading the article title: “CUNY Starts Program to Improve Community-College Graduation Rates” , Reflection reading
Vocabulary: Ambitious, Mentor, Laid-off, Poverty, Vocational training, All inclusive, Derailed, Working poor
Speaking: ASAP review
Writing: Case of Study – “Altering Consciousness”, 9 ways to alter the consciousness. They are: Coffee, Cigarettes, Alcohol, Sleep deprivation, Extreme exercise, meditation, Fear, Happiness, and Anguish. Also, I did a paragraph named “Losing yourself”.
Grammar: Coordinating conjunctions, Parallel structure.
Goals: Review grama rules.


Reading: Botany of Desire - When and Where?
Vocabulary: Ancestors, Cornucopia, Yield, Plot, Heirloom, Dig, Inputs.
Listening: Listening English during class
Speaking: Problems / concerns of a farmer
Writing: CATW overview
Goals: Review grama rules.


Reading: Botany of Desire chapter 4.
Vocabulary: Shame, Pity, principal language, Earth revolves, Endure.
Listening: Listening English during class, Clip College Hour: Manage the stress
Speaking: Conversation practice with classmates
Writing: Genetically Modified Food Essay.
Grammar: Noun clauses.
Goals: Review grama rules.


Reading: Botany of Desire Ch.#4
Vocabulary: Pass away, paste, buried, on behalf of, as.
Listening: The botany of Desire part #4 - movie.
Speaking: Practice with classmates
Writing: CATW practice
Grammar: Noun clauses test, adverb clause.
Goals: Review grama rules.