

    I am from Venezuela. This is a beautiful tropical country located in the North of South America. Venezuela shares borders with Colombia in the West, Guyana in the East, the Caribbean Sea in the North, and Brazil in the South. This country is famous for petroleum and beautiful women. Furthermore, as a tropical country, Venezuela is rich in tropical flora. This essay will describe three types of flora that are important in Venezuela. 

    First of all, the Araguaney is the National Tree of Venezuela. This name is derived from “Aravenei”. This word comes from Caribbean Indian Tribes. The Araguaney is also called Tabebuia Chrysantha (scientific name). It is derived from two Greek words that mean “Golden Flower”. According to the research, this tree was declared the National Tree on May 29, 1948 because the yellow color of the leaves and flowers are the same colors included in the Venezuelan flag. The general features of this tree are: it is a medium size tree. Its roots require well drained terrain. Its flowers are large, tubular shaped and deep yellow color. Its leaves are elliptic with pinnate venation. The habitat of the Araguaney is in dry tropical forrest, warm lands, savannas and arid hills.
    Another flora emblematic of Venezuela is the Orchid. Because it is a botanical jewel, this flower was declared the National symbol of Venezuela on May 23, 1951. This flower is also called “May Flower” and it is common in the cloud forest. The Cattleya Labioata (scientific name) is a very peculiar species because it has two leaves and produces three lilac colored flowers, which possess three – lobed dark purple violet lips. The center of the lip has a yellow stain adorned by delicate fuchsia lines.
    Finally, white corn is also an important part of the flora in Venezuela. It’s not a Venezuelan symbol, but it is a very important ingredient in the culinary kitchen of Venezuela. It is used to make typical Venezuelan plates such as arepas, empanadas and hallacas (tamales). Maize is the formal scientific name and comes from the indigenous Taino word. This grain was domesticated by indigenous people in America and this grain also has the ability to grow in diverse climates.
    In conclusion, Venezuela has a variety of plant life. Three of the most important types are Araguaney, Orchid and white corn. If you travel to Venezuela, you can see these flora types.

“Mutually Beneficial Relationship”

    Mutually beneficial relationships are very important in nature.  Nature has tens of thousands of species. Species can’t be independent from nature. According to the dictionary, a Mutually Beneficial Relationship or symbiosis is “the relationship between two different living things that exist very closely together and depend on each other for particular advantages”.    This essay will describe three particular types of mutually beneficial relationships.

    First of all, bees and flowers help each other. Bees are insects that need to collect nectar from flowers to eat and make honey, while flowers are a part of the plants that need help to spread their pollen to the next flower because they need fertilization to produce seeds and fruits with the purpose of reproducing their species. The reciprocal benefits start when a bee lands on a flower to collect nectar by its tongue. Then the bee carries pollen on its body to another flower and lands upon the stigma of the flower, so the pollen goes into the ovaries and fertilizes them to produce seeds.  As you can see, bees and flowers have a mutually cooperative relationship; they help each other to develop their lives.
    Secondly, plants and humans play an important role in helping each other. This relationship has many aspects. For instance, humans depend on the oxygen produced by plants. At the same time, plants are dependent on humans for carbon dioxide to make their food by the photosynthesis process. In agriculture, humans depend on plants to produce food and medicine, while plants are dependent on humans to protect them from animals and weeds. In addition, humans take care of plants with water and reproduction of the species. Another example of mutual cooperation happens when humans preserve and protect deforested areas as well as conserve forest areas where the plants live. In these areas, plants provide resources as well as food, wood, medicine, and oxygen for humans to use. This symbiotic relationship is also called Ethnobotany. 
    Finally, between animals we can find another example of a mutually beneficial relationship. The crocodile and the Egyptian Plover bird help each other. This cooperation is unique because the crocodile is a natural predator, but in this case, this predator doesn’t eat his prey because he needs help cleaning his teeth and the bird can eat the food around the teeth. Therefore, this relationship starts when the crocodile opens his mouth wide, then the Egyptian Plover bird recognizes this invitation. Consequently, the bird flies into the crocodile’s mouth and eats the food stuck in the crocodile teeth. Later, the bird flies away. In other words, these animals have mutual cooperation; one provides food and the other provides cleanliness and health.
    In brief, two organisms of different species can live and work together. Humans, animals and plants depend and help each other. Each one of them benefit from mutual cooperation.


   What do you do if you are lost in a country where people speak a different language from yours? Miscommunication is a fact of life in today’s global society. Sometimes the results are humorous, and sometimes they are serious.

    In the story called “How Do You Say…” the author explained his experience with miscommunication. He explained that he went to Niigata, a rural area of Japan, to teach English. The professor had trouble with the Japanese language because he couldn’t express his ideas very well to the Japanese people. One day, the professor wanted to make some fresh bread. Although he only knew a few Japanese words, he went to the store to buy flour. In the store, he couldn’t find the flour. Suddenly, the professor saw one of his students and asked him how he could pronounce the word “Flour” in Japanese. Then, the student told him the word “Hana”. Next, the professor asked an elderly clerk, “where is hana?” The woman showed him a flower called “Chrysanthemums” in the produce section. At this point, the professor understood that the student didn’t understand the question because “flour” and “flower” have the same pronunciation. Finally, he returned home without flour.
     This story reminds me of a situation that happened to me in the past. In November 2001, I traveled to Miami, U.S. It was my first time in this city. I arrived the fourth week of November, a Wednesday. I stayed two days in the hotel during Thanksgiving Day, and I planned to buy some clothes the next Black Friday. The hotel was located half an hour from downtown, Miami. This Friday, I brought some money, my passport, city and bus maps and an electronic translator. At the reception desk of the hotel, I asked the clerk, using my translator, where the bus stop was. She told me that it was at the hotel entrance. Then, I took the bus to downtown. After one hour, the bus stopped for around five minutes. The driver told me “last stop”. So, I looked outside the window and I didn’t see any store nearby; there were only houses in the area. Then, I thought “I’m lost”. I went to the bus driver. Because I didn’t speak English, I used my translator and showed him the word “go”. Later, I used my finger to show him on the map “downtown”. Then, I said “here, here”. The driver smiled and spoke with me. I didn’t understand his words, but I understood his body expression that said “Stay here, this bus will pass downtown”. Then, I stayed on the bus one and half hours more. When I reflected on the trip, I remembered that I asked the clerk about the bus stop, but I didn’t ask which direction I needed to go to downtown.  Finally, I arrived in downtown, Miami. This was my miscommunication experience.

    As we can see, miscommunication is common these days. That is why I am working hard to improve my English ability.


     “City University of New York” (CUNY) offers equal opportunities of study to native and non-native students. However, many non-native students have problems with the English language. For this reason, CUNY system has created an intensive program called “CUNY Language Immersion Program (CLIP)”. This program focuses on writing, reading and listening practice to improve the language learning process.

    First of all, in regular college classes, writing is an essential component because most of the professors request paperwork in their classes. Aware of this situation, CLIP program has focused its efforts to teach writing abilities to students. During class, professors teach many ways to make essays, taking notes in class and summarizing. Professors also teach grammar rules because these rules are important for well-written essays.

    Secondly, CLIP program teaches reading abilities by including books as part of the learning process. Reading books is important because they help to develop English comprehension, analysis, vocabulary and grammar structures. In addition, reading opens the student’s mind to learn more about history, science, biography, etc.

    Finally, listening is another important component in CLIP program. During class, professors only communicate with students in English. In the curriculum, professors include activities of reading books, listening to CDs, showing videos, dictation and conversation activities where students can develop listening and speaking abilities.

    In brief, learning a new language is a process that includes writing, reading and listening practices. CLIP program focuses on all of these areas to prepare students for college life.


    The idea of developed nations having a strong education system has changed overtime. Although the United States is a developed country, this country is now facing a national education crisis where students aren’t doing well in school. The Obama administration is concerned about this national problem, but how can the educational system of High School in the USA improve and be more effective? How can students’ family backgrounds improve to the quality of education? How can The United States have quality, equity and efficiency in education? How can teachers and students teach and learn better to match the global economies? This essay will describe problems and solutions that the educational system in the USA has.

    First, to compete in global economies, it is necessary to change the school curriculum focused on mathematics, sciences, reading and writing skills. A survey conducted in 70 countries on 15 year old students showed that the United States is one of two countries which have the biggest improvements in mathematics, sciences and reading. This survey was conducted by OECD (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development) and PISA (Program for International Student Assessment). The survey didn’t include writing skill. However, according to the article “CUNY Adjusts Amid Tide of remedial Students” about ¾ of freshmen need remedial instruction in reading, writing and/or math because students have severe deficits in all three subjects. Therefore, changing the school curriculum, will improve students ability of solving complex problems. Additionally, they will improve the ability of reading and writing English language fluently. These abilities are necessary to get into college, to work and to compete with the global economies.

    Second, experts have said that solving these problems involves both parents and teachers. Teachers teach in High School, but parents have to review and practice the knowledge at home. However, one of the biggest problems that American culture has is both parents work all day and the teenagers stay home alone for many hours after class. In others words, parents don’t stay at home to supervise their adolescent after class. Considering this home background, the solution to extend the school day to 8 hours will benefit the American education because parents and adolescents can stay home at the same time. Consequently, parents can supervise, review and practice the knowledge with their teenagers. Personally, I think that this is a good solution to solve the education problems because education starts at home. Furthermore, if the President decides to change the school schedule system, it is very important that schools train parents with the purpose of supervising and improving the students’ education.

    In combination with other possibilities to resolve the educational problems is to focus and train students toward university education and good jobs after college. The article “The Global Achievement Gap: Why America’s Students Are Falling Behind” said that it is important that parents and schools help the student to develop their skills to resolve complex problems at home and school because in the real world people need to resolve problems. Although the article applied these recommendations to children, it also can be applied to teenagers. So, the article mentions seven skills to improve students’ abilities. 1. Students have to be critical thinking and problem solving without multiple-choice test in school. Parents have to permit their teenagers to analyze problems at home and develop the solution. 2. Students have to lead by influence. Parents and teachers have to give the opportunity to students to present ideas to a variety people. Students can speak for themselves to resolve problems. 3. Students have to be agile and adaptable when plans changes. When students develop the ability to resolve problems, it will benefit every part of their life. 4. Initiative and entrepreneurialism. Let students develop their own interests. 5. Effective oral and written conversation. Parents have to interact with their teenagers about hot topics and have debates. It helps the students to develop verbal, written and presentation skills. 6. Accessing and analyzing data. Parents have to work together with the teenagers to analyze data that comes from the internet and others resources, asking questions: can you trust the sources? Is it reliable? It helps the students to develop the capability of recognizing good and bad data. 7. Students have to develop the curiosity and imaginations asking good questions about topics that they think are interesting. It helps them to be open-minded and find the answer about the interesting topic for them. Improving students’ ability in the house and school can develop the quality and efficiency in education.

    Finally, having excellent teachers produces better results in education. Better education is the predictor for the future economy in this country. If the government eliminates the LIFO (Last in, first out) law, the school system will be more effective with competent teachers based on merit, not seniority. This is the way where teachers teach and students learn better to match the global economies.

    In conclusion, the problems that the education system has can be solved by improving school curriculum, families’ background, and having excellent teachers.



    Have you ever heard of synthetic food? Agricultural methods have changed over time. Traditional farming in the USA changed in the early 1990s with the incorporation of Genetically Modified foods or GM Foods. According to wikipidia, these foods which were introduced in the market have specific changes in their DNA by genetic engineering techniques. Over 40 plant varieties have completed all of the federal requirements for commercialization. These modifications include the addition or deletion of genes. The following paragraphs discuss some advantages and disadvantages that involve this type of food.

    One of the advantages is that these foods are capable of producing a greater quantity because usually GM foods grow faster than organic or conventional food. One of the examples that we can find is the case of maize. According to Wikipedia, “Maize engineered with Bt insect resistance genes increased national yield by about 3 to 4 percent”. In fact, many scientists and farmers believe that the production of GM Food will supply the demand for food in the world. Some research has predicted that the world population will double in the next 50 years. Therefore, GMF’s promise supplies food for the entire population.

    Pest resistance is another advantage of GMF’s. Scientists state that traditional farmers use tons of pesticides in order to control pests, but this causes health hazards, run off from the agriculture, poisoning of water, and others. The use of GMF produces resistance of pests in the plant that reduce the application of chemical pesticides. For example, the introduction of the bacterium Bt (Bacillus thuringiensis), in corn and others crops help the plants to produce its own pesticide that are lethal to insect larvae. So, using GMF’s is convenient for farmers because it reduces the use and cost for pesticides.

    On the other hand, one disadvantage is that these foods affect the biodivertity. In nature the diversity of organisms is important and GMF’s reduce it. For example, beneficial insects did not eat bad insects because they are killed by pesticides. Vandana Shiva, who is the founder of Navdanya, revealed that “we need biodiversity intensification that works with nature’s nutrient and water cycles, not against them”. GMF also produces a collateral damage from GM field crops to non-GM crops. The article “Hazard of Genetically Engineered Food and Crops” states that “wind, rain, brids, bees, and insect polinators have begun carrying genetically-altered pollen into adjoining fields, polluting the DNA of crops of organic and non-GM farmers.”

    Another disadvantage is that GMF’s produce human health risks. Although the GMF’s supply humans with foods, it causes allergic reactions in suceptible individuals. Scientists actually are studing other effects in the human body but after 15 years they can’t find any. Therefore, many scientists believe that GMF’s do not present a risk to human health.

    In conclusion, many advantages and disadvantages are produced by GMF’s. Some scientists and farmers believe in this new technology, but others do not. In my opinion, the final decision is made by customers.