

1.   Africa has an absence of culture of flowers because of its economic and ecological situation.
2.   In addition to symmetry and contrast, variation is the third principle of beauty.
3.   To make their tulip “break” the Duch growers used three techniques which are the paints, pigeon dropping and plaster from walls.
4.   The author compares his garden to a “city street” because the place is so crowded with flowers.
5.   Flower with male and female organs don’t pollinate themselves.
6.   In the seventeenth century, Dutch were crazy for flowers.
7.   The Black Tulip is called “The Queen of Night”.
8.   In many creatures beauty is a reliable indicator of health.
9.   Flowers communicate with other species with visual, olfactory and tactile techniques.
10. The most prized tulip in Holland in the 1600’s was Semper Augustus.
11. The word “Tulip” comes from the Turkish word for “Turban”.
12. The extravagance of the sultan’s annual tulip festival ultimately proved his downfall.

1 offspring:  child and children.
2 elegant:  with a pleasing and stylish appearance.
3 commonplace:  very common or ordinary and so not very interesting.
4 predisposition:  tendency to act in a particular way.
5 multifarious:  many different types.
6 individual:   single or separate.
7 masculine:  having the qualities of a man.
8  carnivore:  an animal that eat meat.
9  impersonate:  to pretend to be someone else by copying someone voice, action, etc.
10  speculation:  thoughts about what might happen.