


    Many factors are involved in the fact that only 16% of students from community colleges nationwide graduate within six years. In my opinion, two of the biggest factors that are involved this problem are family and economic issues.

    In our life we have different family situations that affect the continuation of education in college, some of them are marriage, kids, sickness, die, etc. When students drop out from college for these reasons, only motivation can help them to finish college.

    At the same time, economic factors are also critical to continue college education. Many students have motivation to finish and graduate from college, but they have a low income that forces them to work and center their life in their jobs. This situation forces them to take few credits per semester. For example, a friend of mine is facing this issue. When she started college, she only took a few credits because she needed to work to pay for her studies. Offering ASAP would benefit many students, like my friend, with low income because this program offers oportunities in academic, social support, paycheck, tutors, mentors, cultural aspects and vocational training.


    Seven years ago, I had many personal problems. I tried to solve them, but they were imposible to solve. I felt like I was swimming against the current of a river. Because my problems at this time were impossible to solve, I prayed to God and I decided to be quiet for a while. Then, I relaxed myself and I started to live one day at time. I also tried to do my best solving my problems one by one, step by step without tension and pressure. Later, I learned that some problems in my life I can solve but other I can’t.