

   This week I did a presentation about the beautiful bird called Scarlet Macaw. To explain mi presentation I used power point , sound and video. I explained that this animal was created to be beautiful, to talk, to fly, to enjoy the life and to be our friend. This bird can have a wild or domestic life. His natural habitat is on trees of tropical forest of Central and South America. I also explained that this is a big bird. It size is about 32 in long and his weight is about 2.2 lb. It plumages is mostly scarlet, that why his name come from. His rump and tail covert feathers are light blue; the greater upper wing coverts are yellow. Some of its may have green in the wings. Around his eyes, it has white skin. His upper mandible is mostly pale horn and the lower is black. This bird has multipurpose legs. It can use the legs to walk and hold fruits, nuts, flowers, nectar and buds.

    It is a beautiful bird because it has a perfect symmetry and contrast with the surrounding because its brighter colors. So, this bird has the two principles of beauty. This bird is also very intelligent, trainable and sociable with people because it has the ability to repeat your words.

   This bird can live around 70 years. It is a loyalty bird. When it finds a couple, they can stay together until die. It can lay 2 or three white eggs. When the chicks fledge, they leave about one year later.

    Unfortunately, this bird is in danger of extension. People destroy and deforest his habitat, so, in many places the wild birds prefer to stay in the house roofs. Although is illegal to take me from the wild without special permit, other people capture for the parrot trade because it’s an expensive bird that cost more than $10,000. 

    Now, if you want this bird as a pet is important that you keep in mind some recommendations. First of all, please don’t live it in small bird cage because this bird has big wings. Domesticated the bird is the best option. So, this bird can fly around the area and return home. Remember, it is a loyalty bird! Finally, because this bird came from rainforest, it frequently needs to take showers. So, this bird enjoys the shower.  

At the end of my presentation, I showed the next video.