

Counseling office / Office of Student Disabilities

    Last week, I went to Clip College Hour. The first presentation was about Counceling Center at QCC. The lecturer explained about all services that offer the department. He also explained that a counselor helps to deal between the solutions of a problem. In others words, he helps to manage problems. He also explained that they help to manage the time and help with the depression. Finally, he explained the importance of manage the stress because it can provoque poor rates and dismiss college classes.

   The another presentation was about Student Disabilities.
The college offers this service to all students with disabilities. The lecturer explained that if one student doesn't have medical documentation about his problems, the college can recomend some places where he can take the evaluation.


    This semester, I went to clip college hour to see a presentation about Speech, English and ESL Basic Skills College classes.
    In the Speech presentation, the professor explained that they have four courses SP005, SP006, SP020 and SP007. These courses are applied depend of the Major. For instance, the course SP007 is applied to medical professions. The requirement to take the speech class is a entry test to define which class is according to the student. The professor also said that exist other speech classes for students that want to continue speech classes. There are speech in theater, media, speech language, pathology. Finally, the professor said that the office is located in the office H-125.
    The second presentation was about English department. The professor Counihan explained about English 101 and 102 basics in all majors. She explained that English 101 is academic writing and English 102 is intro to literature, where student analyze poems, novels, short stories and plays. She also explained if the student enjoy writing, he can take additional courses such as: creative writing (fiction, poems), journalism class, literature, poetry class, fiction class. Finally, she said that the department is located in the office H428.
    The last presentation was about ESL basic skill department. The professor explained about reading and writing classes. Reading has two levels 225 and 226. Writing has three levels. The level 201. It is basic level where students learn about paragraphs. Level 203. It is intermediate level where students learn simple essays and level 205. It is advanced class where students learn complex essays and writing summaries. The professor also said that they have BSLC "Lab" where students can practice the knowledge. Finally, the professor explained that students that didn't pass the "Placement exam" have to go to CLIP or to basic skills departement.


    During the counseling presentation, the professor explained that counselors help to deal between solution of a problem. In other words, they help to manage problems. He also explain that they help to manage the time and the students depression. Finally, he explained that is important manage the stress because it can provoke poor rates and dismiss the college.